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You Can Help

The Mazama Orientation Park is a community area, and funding for improvements is being sought.

Your help is needed!

To contribute to this effort, consider a donation of:

  • all donation amounts are greatly appreciated

  • $500 or more (sponsorship) to sponsor orientation park features (i.e., a tree or a bench)

  • $5,000 or more (legacy) to help fund the kiosk, information panels, or landscape pavers

Sponsorship and Legacy donations will be memorialized in the orientation park.

Donate Using Your Phone

Shaping Mazama Orientation Park QR Code.jpg

Donate by Check

Payable to Methow Trails, with 'Shaping Mazama' on the memo line to: 

Methow Trails

PO Box 147

Winthrop, WA  98862

The Mazama Core stakeholders have made significant contributions in the "Shaping of Mazama".  Long range planning efforts, property boundary changes, lot consolidations, overhead power removal, relocating structures, renewed signing plans and implementation, expanded parking and trail head development, facility improvements, and landscaping have all been funded through this group.

Methow Valley Sport Trails Association (DBA Methow Trails) a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, has agreed to accept donations and manage expenditures, on behalf of the "Shaping Mazama - Orientation Park" project.  All donations will be restricted to expenditures listed on the Orientation Park Budget page.  Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.  Methow Trails tax ID number is 91-1027957.

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Thank you to our generous donors!

Barb Clark

Base Camp 49

Becky Studen

Bush School

CB Thomas

Christopher and Heidi Rogers

Claire Bunney and Jay Lucas

Creative Gardens West

Deborah Cowley

Emily Gassert

Eric Burr

Flow Electric

Freestone Inn

George and Cherry Snelling

James and Victoria Grady

John and Maria Bliss

John Dyer

John Schoettler

Karen Reneau and Dave Ness

Lee Whittaker

Mazama Community Club

Mazama Ranch House

Methow Trails

Monica Hall

MV Ski School

Northwest Outward Bound

Palm Construction

Paul Butler and Bo Thrasher

Paul Lambert & Kathleen Shannon

Peter Hill

Rebeccah Sproat

Ross Latham

Sarah Jane Gunter

Skip Smith and Betsy Devin-Smith

Stephanie Mattson

Tara Gregg and Simon Friedman

The Devin Family

The Edgar Family

The Gregg Family

The Gresh Family

The Inn at Mazama

The Karell Family

The Mazama Store

Thomas Payne

Tracy Ross

Wellman-Robinson Family

William Davis

William Pope and Teresa Castner

Windermere Methow Valley

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